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Dr. Athanasios G. Loukas is an Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources in the Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from 2018 up today. Before 2018 was Director of the Laboratory of Hydrology and Aquatic Systems Analysis and Director of the common Greek-French Master Program “Management of Hydrometeorological Hazards-Hydrohasards” co-organized with the Joseph Fourier University-Grenoble I. He was awarded his Engineering Diploma in Rural and Surveying Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a M.A.Sc. Degree in 1991, and a Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resources in 1994 from the University of British Columbia, Canada. He was awarded fellowships and scholarships from national and international organizations for his undergraduate and postgraduate academic achievements. He was Visiting Scientist (Professor 1st class) at the Joseph Fourier University-Grenoble I, France and Visiting Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, U.S.A. in 2013. He has been awarded a Fulbright Research Scholarship for the academic year 2013-2014. Dr. Loukas currently teaches courses on hydrology, stochastic hydrology, design of dams and reservoirs, modelling of water resources systems, risk analysis of water resources, floods, droughts, forecasting of hydrozards and he taught courses on geodesy and surveying, environmental impacts of climate change, water resources management and environmental protection, applications of GIS and remote sensing to water resources. He supervises or supervised Ph.D. Dissertations, Master Theses and Engineering Diploma Theses. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of EWRA European Water journal, Associate Editor of MDPI Water journal andEditorial Board Member of Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences. He was Associate Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Spatial Hydrology and Guest Editor of special issues of MDPI Water, EWRA European Water, EGU Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences and Hydrological Processes. He is regular reviewer of numerous international scientific journals and national and international conferences. He is reviewer of IPCC Special Report “Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)” and “Abstract for Policymakers (SPM)”, and research proposals in the areas of Water Resources Management and Management of Natural Hazards, Directorate General XII, Science, Research and Development, as well as reviewer of research proposals in the areas of Environment and Water Resources for National Greek and Cyprian Calls. He was and he is Greek national representative in the COST programs, COST 719 – The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Climatology and Meteorology, COST ES0901 – European Procedures for Flood Frequency Analysis (FloodFreq), COST ES1106 - Assessment of EUROpean AGRIculture WATer use and trade under climate change (EURO-AGRIWAT). Dr. Loukas is a registered professional engineer in Greece and is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Greek Union of Rural and Surveying Engineers, International Association of Hydrological Science (IAHS), European Geophysical Union (EGU), Greek Association of Water Resources Management (Elected officer 2005-today), European Water Resources Association (EWRA), Global Nest and other professional and scientific organizations. He participated in and co-ordinated national and international engineering projects. His research interests include: deterministic and stochastic hydrological modelling, hydrological modelling of ungauged and mountainous watersheds, analysis, modelling, and forecasting of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts), climate change impacts on the hydrological processes and water resources, spatial and temporal analysis, estimation, and modelling of hydrometeorological data, water resources management and modelling, and applications of GIS and remote sensing in hydrology and water resources. He has co-ordinated and participated in national and European research projects. Dr. Loukas is the author and co-author of more than 250 referred international journal publications and conference proceedings publications and technical reports. His published work has received over 700 citations (690 independent citations), as indicated in Scopus database search with h-index=17 (h-index=17, L-index=40) and over 1300 citations, as indicated in Google Scholar database search (h-index =22, i-10=36)
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Dr. Nikitas Mylopoulos got his Diploma in Civil Engineering, from the Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in 1989 and his PhD in Water Resources Management and Engineering, from the same school in 1994. He is currently Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. His major research interests are in the fields of Water Resources Engineering and Management, Groundwater Hydrology, Risk-based decision modeling and water socio-economics. He has participated in over 40 research projects financed by Greek Ministries, Organizations and by the European Union, as a research fellow or as scientific responsible. Most of these projects concern the development and application of integrated water resources management methods, the coupling of surface and groundwater hydrology models, the study of social and economic aspects of the water policy, the development of sustainable water resources management plans etc. He is teaching the lessons of Water Resources Management, Water Supply and Sewerage Networks, Hydrosystems Simulation, Risk Analysis and Decision Making in Water Systems. He has a long experience in consulting hydraulic engineering projects and has been for ten years the responsible of the Liaison Office for the EU’s RTD projects in his University. Until now he has published over 120 papers in international scientific journals and in conference proceedings.
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Dr. Chrysi Laspidou is an Professor at the Civil Engineering Department,University of Thessaly. She has a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and an in Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, USA and a Ph.D. from Northwestern University, USA in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her interests include mathematical modeling and simulation of physical---chemical and biological processes that take place in natural aquatic systems and other ecosystems, as well as urban water issues, resource depletion and sustainability, virtual water and water---carbon---ecological footprint. She has published over 60 articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings and is actively involved in Greek and European projects. Dr. Laspidou has a diverse background and is active in various research areas. She has developed the UMCCA model, a unified multi---component cellular automata sophisticated simulation model for the development of biofilm structures. She has conducted research in many different aspects of water, from performing mathematical modeling of aquatic system processes to computational biology relevant to ecosystem function, to the socio---economic aspects of water use and water resources management. She has also conducted work on several facets of the ecological footprint and on water use and sustainable development. She collaborates with the networking and communications group at CERTH and is involved in ICT projects that are mainly on innovative multisensors and/or biosensors, smart urban water management, smart cities and ICT for improving ecosystem function and quality.
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Dr. Lampros Vasiliades is a permanent teaching and research staff in the Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering Sector, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. He was awarded a B.Sc. in Environmental Science from the University of the Aegean, Greece (1995), a M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK (1996) and a PhD (2010) in Hydrology and Hydroinformatics from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. Mr. Vasiliades is a registered professional environmental scientist in Greece and member of the Greek Committee for Water Resources Management, the Hellenic Meteorological Society, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the European Water Resources Association (EWRA), the Global Network for Environmental Sciences and Technology (Global Nest), the International Environmental Modelling & Software Society (iEMSs) and other professional and scientific organizations. He is Editor in Journal Water ( and a regular reviewer in international scientific journals (i.e. Journal of Hydrology, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Water Resources Management, Hydrological Processes, Journal of Spatial Hydrology, European Water, Agricultural Water Management, Regional Environmental Change and Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment). His research interests include: a) analysis, modelling, and forecasting of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts), b) spatiotemporal analysis, estimation, and modelling of hydrometeorological and water quality data, c) deterministic and stochastic hydrological modelling, d) climate change impacts on the hydrological processes and water resources, e) water resources management, f) applications of GIS and remote sensing on hydrology and g) design and environmental impact assessment studies of hydrotechnical projects. He is a permanent teaching staff in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly for undergraduate courses Geographic Information Systems, Hydrology, Hydrologic Modelling and Forecasting, Dams & Reservoirs, Water Resources Management and postgraduate courses Droughts, Floods and Forecasting of Hydrohazards. Mr. Vasiliades is the author and co-author of more than 80 publications in refereed journals, international conference proceedings and technical reports. His published work has received over 700 citations (600 independent citations), as indicated in Scopus database search with h-index=14 and over 1600 citations, as indicated in Google Scholar database search (h-index=21, i-10-index=25). Finally, he has participated in several national and European research projects on hydrology, water resources management and the use of remote sensing and GIS in hydrology and water resources and he is National Representative and/or Substitute Member of Greece in COST Actions (COST ES1404: A European network for a harmonised monitoring of snow for the benefit of climate change scenarios, hydrology and numerical weather prediction, COST ES0901: European Procedures for Flood Frequency Analysis (FloodFreq) and CA15206: Payments for Ecosystem Services (Forests for Water).
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | tel: +30-2421074177 | CV
Dr. Marios Spiliotopoulos is a permanent teaching and research staff in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. He was awarded his Diploma in Physics and a M.Sc. Degree from the University of Athens, and a Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resources Management using Remote Sensing from the University of Thessaly.
His research interests include: meteorology, analysis, modelling, and forecasting of extreme hydrological events, and applications of GIS and remote sensing in hydrology and water resources. His published work has received over 90 citations, as indicated in Scopus database search with h-index=5 and over 200 citations, as indicated in Google Scholar database search (h-index =7, i-10=7).